Fuel Labs宣布为最快的模块化执行层Fuel提供8000万美元的资助

  1. With over 60 engineers, Fuel Labs eyes a blockchain with maximum security and the highest flexible throughput for the Ethereum ecosystem.



Fuel Labs Announces $80 Million of Support for the Fastest Modular Execution Layer

With over 60 engineers, Fuel Labs eyes a blockchain with maximum security and the highest flexible throughput for the Ethereum ecosystem.

拥有60多名工程师,Fuel Labs为Ethereum生态系统提供一个具有最大安全性和最高灵活吞吐量的区块链。

Fuel Labs today announced $80M USD of support led by Blockchain Capital and Stratos, with additional support from Alameda Research, CoinFund, Bain Capital Crypto, TRGC, Maven 11 Capital, Blockwall, Spartan, Dialectic, and ZMT. This marks a major milestone for modular execution layers in the blockchain community.

Fuel Labs今天宣布,由Blockchain Capital和Stratos牵头,Alameda Research、CoinFund、Bain Capital Crypto、TRGC、Maven 11 Capital、Blockwall、Spartan、Dialectic和ZMT提供的8000万美元支持。这标志着区块链社区的模块化执行层的一个重要里程碑。

There is an ongoing and significant shift happening in layer-1 (L1) blockchain architecture. The industry is moving away from a monolithic design—where consensus, data availability, and execution are tightly coupled—to a modular future, where execution is separated from data availability and consensus. The separation allows for specialization at each layer, delivering a significant increase in both bandwidth and execution capacity across the stack.



Fuel demonstrates that developing new monolithic L1s in 2022 is short-sighted and that building high performance execution layers on top of modular blockchains can produce extremely high throughput with incredible Ethereum-grade security guarantees. Moreover, Fuel includes fraud-provable trust-minimized light clients which deliver better security and decentralization guarantees in addition to trust-minimized liquidity bridging, which is not possible between any two L1s.

Fuel表明,在2022年开发新的L1是目光短浅,在模块化区块链之上构建高性能的执行层可以产生极高的吞吐量,并具有令人难以置信的以太坊级安全保证。此外,”Fuel “包括可验证的信任最小化的轻客户端,除了trust-minimized liquidity bridging以外,还提供更好的安全和去中心化保证,这在任何L1之间是不可能的。

Furthermore, layer-2s (L2s) do not solve the scalability crisis either. Although L2s have opened up a margin of cost reduction for access to the Ethereum ecosystem, the total throughput increase has been modest. L2s have failed to keep costs low. The industry needs change that not only reduces waste and inefficiency, but opens up new kinds of use cases to birth the next generation of Defi. Fuel aims to resolve this by designing execution for the modular stack, namely, L1s with high bandwidth potential which features new styles of execution.

此外,layer-2s (L2s) 也不能解决可扩展性危机。尽管 L2 为访问以太坊生态系统开辟了成本降低的余地,但总吞吐量的增长幅度不大。 L2 未能保持低成本。行业需要变革,不仅要减少浪费和效率低下,还要开辟新的用例来催生下一代 Defi。 Fuel 旨在通过设计模块化堆栈的执行来解决这个问题,即具有高带宽潜力的 L1,具有新的执行风格。

“Fuel is designed specifically to leverage additional bandwidth in ways no other scalability system can. Fuel is the fastest execution layer for the modular blockchain stack, delivering the highest security and flexible throughput,” says Nick Dodson, Co-Founder of Fuel Labs. “Fuel defines a modular execution layer as: a verifiable computation system designed for the modular blockchain stack. Fuel specializes in making execution as efficient as possible.”

Fuel 专门设计用于以其他可扩展系统无法实现的方式利用额外带宽。 Fuel 是模块化区块链堆栈的最快执行层,可提供最高的安全性和灵活的吞吐量,”Fuel Labs 的联合创始人 Nick Dodson 说。 “Fuel 将模块化执行层定义为:为模块化区块链堆栈设计的可验证计算系统。 Fuel 专注于尽可能提高执行效率

“Our vision is to build the engine for the autonomous future, powering the next generation of independent human coordination and cooperation,” says John Adler, Co-Founder of Fuel Labs. “Sway was specifically designed to empower blockchain developers with the richest features and best possible developer experience. With Fuel, we can now go beyond monolithic.”

我们的愿景是为自动驾驶的未来打造引擎,为下一代独立的人类协调与合作提供动力,”Fuel Labs 的联合创始人 John Adler 说。 “Sway 专门设计用于为区块链开发人员提供最丰富的功能和最佳的开发人员体验。有了 Fuel,我们现在可以超越单片式

There are three central pillars to Fuel’s technology stack:

  1. Parallel transaction execution. More compute. More state access.
  2. The Fuel Virtual Machine (FuelVM). Less waste. More flexibility.
  3. A superior developer experience (with Sway and Forc). Powerful. Sleek.


  1. 并行交易执行。更多的计算。更多的状态访问。
  2. 燃料虚拟机(FuelVM)。更少的浪费。更加灵活。
  3. 卓越的开发者体验(Sway和Forc)。强大的。巧妙的。

Fuel v1 began as a L2 scalability technology for a monolithic Ethereum. It was the first optimistic rollup on mainnet Ethereum, deployed at the end of 2020. The project has grown significantly since its humble inception, now boasting more than 60 of the best and brightest engineers, and support from some of the best blockchain firms and industry leaders.

Fuel v1开始是一个单体以太坊的L2可扩展性技术。这是以太坊主网的第一次optimistic rollup的推出,在2020年底部署。该项目自成立以来已大幅增长,现在拥有60多名最优秀和最聪明的工程师,并得到一些最好的区块链公司和行业领导者的支持。

About Fuel Labs

Fuel Labs is a global decentralized group of passionate developers building the future of blockchain scalability technology. As the leader in blockchain scaling innovation, its engineers created the optimistic rollup design paradigm and have contributed to advancing the frontier of rollup, blockchain virtual machine, and safe smart contract programming language research. Fuel Labs deployed the first-ever optimistic rollup to mainnet Ethereum in 2020.

关于Fuel Labs

Fuel Labs 是一个由热情的开发人员组成的全球去中心化团队,致力于构建区块链可扩展性技术的未来。 作为区块链扩容创新的领导者,其工程师创建了optimistic rollup to 设计范式,并为推进 Rollup、区块链虚拟机和安全智能合约编程语言研究的前沿做出了贡献。 Fuel Labs 在 2020 年首次向以太坊主网部署了optimistic rollup 。

Press Contact:

Ekram Ahmed



Ekram Ahmed

