Bia 测试网和 Obol 大使计划(The Bia Testnet & Obol Ambassador Program)

  1. Bia 测试网(详细信息)Bia Testnet (Full Details)
  2. Obol 大使计划(计划结构和详细信息) Obol Ambassador Program (Program Structure & Details)

Today, we are launching two critical initiatives to promote community involvement in the journey towards the adoption of distributed validators.


The Bia Testnet & Obol Ambassador Program

On our journey towards the adoption of distributed validators, it is critical to get our community involved. In order to do that, today, we are launching two important initiatives: The Bia Testnet and the Obol Ambassador Program.

在我们采用分布式验证器的过程中,让我们的社区参与进来至关重要。为了做到这一点,今天,我们启动了两项重要举措:Bia测试网Obol 大使计划

Both of these initiatives allow members of our community to get hands-on in helping us test Obol and spread the word about the importance of Distributed Validator Technology to the broader ecosystem.

这两项举措使我们社区的成员能够亲身实践帮助我们测试 Obol,并将分布式验证器技术的重要性传播到更广泛的生态系统中。

Let’s get to the details. 👀


Bia 测试网(详细信息)Bia Testnet (Full Details)

Bia is the second official testnet for Obol. In our first testnet, Athena, our community created 200+ distributed validator clusters running across 3+ continents using diverse at-home and cloud-based setups. In an effort to push the limits of the technology and to seed an important community with early DVT access for Athena, we targeted at-home and small validators, Ethereum’s core node-running community. The performance we saw from those validators was comparable in most cases with larger institutional operators (overall at-home validators in Athena averaged 93% uptime compared to 87% uptime in operators of a top LSP during the same timeframe). An amazing thing to see considering the majority were clusters run by people who had just met in a Discord community! This was the main purpose of Athena, to verify that DVT could enable better validator resiliency (and performance) while also improving operator decentralization, and we believe we achieved that with flying colors.

Bia 是 Obol 的第二个官方测试网。在我们的第一个测试网Athena中,我们的社区使用各种在家和基于云的设置创建了 200 多个分布式验证器集群,这些集群在 3 个以上的大陆上运行。为了突破技术的极限并为 Athena 提供早期 DVT 访问的重要社区,我们瞄准了以太坊的核心节点运行社区在家和小型验证器。在大多数情况下,我们从这些验证器上看到的性能与大型机构运营商相当(雅典娜的整体在家验证器的平均正常运行时间为 93%,而在同一时间段内,顶级 LSP 的运营商的正常运行时间为 87%)。考虑到大多数是由刚刚在 Discord 社区中认识的人运行的集群,这是一件令人惊奇的事情!这是 Athena 的主要目的,即验证 DVT 可以实现更好的验证器弹性(和性能),同时改善操作员的去中心化,我们相信我们以出色的成绩实现了这一目标。

With Bia we want to build on our learnings from Athena and test DVT at an even larger scale, with a more diverse variety of client combinations, cluster sizes, and deployment environments. To achieve this, we want to activate more DV clusters globally and see how self-sufficient people can be throughout the entire process. In early December, we officially launched the public beta of our Distributed Validator Launchpad to make it easier to set up new clusters. During this testnet, we will be putting the DV Launchpad to the test by enabling the community to configure clusters through a web-based user flow!!

借助 Bia,我们希望以从 Athena 中学到的知识为基础,并在更大规模、更多样化的客户端组合、集群大小和部署环境中测试 DVT。为此,我们想在全球范围内激活更多的DV集群,看看整个过程中人们的自给自足程度如何。12 月初,我们正式推出了Distributed Validator Launchpad的公测版,以便更轻松地设置新集群。在此测试网期间,我们将使社区能够通过基于 Web 的用户流程配置集群,从而对 DV Launchpad 进行测试!

​ DV Launchpad 演练的第 1 部分

We will also be stress-testing Charon, our DV middleware, to try to simulate as many different conditions as possible, to gather data on how DVs perform in optimal and suboptimal situations. In order to do so, we will be encouraging groups to test with different node configurations in their DV clusters. These variables include different clients, different geographies, and different hosting environments (i.e. at-home, cloud, etc.). We want to encourage as much diversity as possible in configurations as this contributes to the impact DV middleware can have on anti-correlation, resiliency, and decentralization.

我们还将对我们的 DV 中间件 Charon 进行压力测试,以尝试模拟尽可能多的不同条件,以收集有关 DV 在最佳和次优情况下的表现的数据。为此,我们将鼓励团队在其 DV 集群中使用不同的节点配置进行测试。这些变量包括不同的客户端、不同的地理位置和不同的托管环境(即在家、云等)。我们希望在配置中鼓励尽可能多的多样性,因为这有助于 DV 中间件对反关联、弹性和去中心化的影响。

The Bia Testnet is officially live today (we’re already at >40k registrants!!) and will run until the end of March. For full details, please visit our Bia Testnet Handbook.

Bia 测试网今天正式上线(我们的注册人数已经超过 4 万!!)并将持续到 3 月底。有关详细信息,请访问我们的Bia Testnet 手册

(Disclaimer: the Bia Testnet is an unincentivized testnet.)(免责声明:Bia 测试网是一个无激励的测试网。)

Obol 大使计划(计划结构和详细信息 Obol Ambassador Program (Program Structure & Details)

As a core team, we know that we can’t achieve the mission of securing, scaling, and decentralizing proof-of-stake blockchains alone. To do this, we need to better scale the meaningful contributions from our 25k+ strong community. A community is only as strong as its ability to coordinate efficiently.

作为一个核心团队,我们知道我们无法单独实现保护、扩展和去中心化权益证明区块链的使命。为此,我们需要更好地扩大我们25k+ 强大社区的有意义的贡献。一个社区的强大取决于其有效协调的能力。

The purpose of the Obol Ambassador Program is to help scale the project and further its mission by increasing collaboration and work relationships with our community.

Obol 大使计划的目的是通过加强与我们社区的合作和工作关系来帮助扩大项目规模并进一步完成其使命。

The goals of the Obol Ambassador Program are as follows:

  • Drive the adoption of DVT by encouraging and providing the necessary resources and network for at-home validators to run distributed validators.
  • Drive awareness and education of DVT to all stakers to build broad momentum in the adoption of DVT throughout all types of validators.

The Obol Ambassador Program will help to achieve these goals by encouraging the following activities:

  • Testnet participation & technology evangelism
  • Community education, moderation, and growth
  • Localization and regional engagement

Obol 大使计划的目标如下:

  • 通过鼓励并为在家验证器提供必要的资源和网络来运行分布式验证器来推动 DVT 的采用。
  • 推动所有利益相关者对 DVT 的认识和教育,以在所有类型的验证者中广泛采用 DVT。

Obol 大使计划将通过鼓励以下活动来帮助实现这些目标:

  • 测试网参与和技术传播
  • 社区教育、节制和成长
  • 本地化和区域参与


For those that participate in this program, we will be offering special access to the Obol team and initiatives, opportunities to improve their knowledge, and the ability to build their own personal brand in Web3. There will, of course, be sweet POAPs and low-mint swag for ambassadors.

对于参与此计划的人,我们将提供与 Obol 团队和计划的特殊访问权限、提高他们知识的机会以及在 Web3 中建立自己的个人品牌的能力。当然,会有甜美的 POAP 和低薄荷味的大使赠品。

Additionally, we will be leveraging the ambassador program in the future as a way to decentralize the project, with influence and certain decision-making ability given to those that achieve Senior Ambassador status.


As of last week, the Obol Ambassador Program is also officially live! For full details, please visit our Obol Ambassador Program page.

截至上周,Obol 大使计划也正式上线了!有关详细信息,请访问我们的Obol 大使计划页面。
